What It Means to THRIVE

​In our experience too many consulting engagements failed to make a lasting difference in the lives of people we lead, or the future of the company we were tasked with building. So we dug deeper in search of creating meaningful impact for today, and inspiration for tomorrow. Now we help our clients through our unique process.

THRIVE™ is comprised of the following principles:

A Greek word meaning – highest purpose; the ultimate aim. We help you articulate your sense of purpose for your organization’s leaders, functions, and teams. A sense of purpose that builds sustainable success behaviors.


You are what you repeatedly do. Organizations have habits just the same as people do. We help you understand which habits are building organizational muscle, and which are depleting it.


Resonance is the quality of life that can only be achieved by living and working inside your purpose. It’s a way of being, not a method of doing. If your culture is helping employees live in the quality of resonance, incredible experiences follow. We have deep expertise in creating such a culture. We can help.


Influence is the art of connecting people to the greater good, for the advancement of all. Often times employee engagement efforts focus on persuasion over influence. Influence is the process of connecting people to meaning that matters to them – thus ensuring sustainability of a peak performance culture.

Vitality is the state of being strong, present in the moment, and energized. THRIVE™ incorporates some of the components and insights from leading-edge neuroscience. If the practices and principles we are promoting work, you should be experiencing greater energy, endurance, resilience, and a growth mindset.


To ennoble means to assign a higher purpose to an individual and/or the work they are performing. Our experience has shown the importance of empowering individuals and aligning their values and purposes to the company’s mission and vision creating the ability to elevate performance.

THRIVE™ Workshop Agenda